Judging Criteria
To achieve a competitive score with your composition, judges will be evaluating your song against the judging criteria below.
Contemporary Melodic Melody
- A strong relationship between chords and melody. Excellent use of motifs and harmonic texture.
- Melody that demonstrates fluid contour and structure, with well-timed climactic passages.
- Used interesting and effective compositional techniques that complemented the lyrics being sung.
- Dynamics and expression were artistically used throughout.
- Instruments/voices were in tune, displayed consistent rhythmic cohesion and demonstrated artistic expression.
- The song lyrics are outstanding. The words memorable. The song lyrics convey metaphor and complex themes, poetically delivered.
Rap and Rhyme
Dynamic Delivery
- Verses and chorus demonstrate fluid rhymes and structures, with well-timed climactic passages.
- Composition maintained the listener’s attention for the whole piece.
Lyric Content
- Lyrics were highly evocative and told a strong story. They were relatable and/or aspirational, with message clearly defined and delivered.
Backing Beats
- Demonstrated excellent use of complex beats, inclusive of strong harmonies, melodies, and song structure. Musical hooks drove the composition with clever embellishments and well-timed repetition.
- Strong relationship between chords and melody. Excellent use of motifs and harmonic texture.
- Melody demonstrates fluid contour and structure with well-timed climactic passages.
- Used interesting and effective compositional techniques that complemented thematic material.
- Dynamics and expressive techniques were artistically used throughout. Composition maintained listener’s interest for the whole piece.
- Instruments were in tune, displayed consistent rhythmic cohesion, and demonstrated artistic expression.
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